By: Debra Quarles
Salt Dental Consultant
Part 1 of 1
I’ve started a new exercise program and I’m really excited about it. I do twenty five sit-ups, twenty five pushups, and then I run a mile. After my workout I get out of bed. Whew! Laugh all you want but my pajamas are starting to fit better.
I read an article about a study where people were put in a room and told to concentrate on strengthening their pinkie for twenty minutes over a six week period and guess what – they strengthened their pinkies. It also worked for elbows and biceps. If it can work for them, maybe it can work for me and my abs, too.
The brain is an incredible tool, but you must use it or risk losing it. That is especially true when you are thinking about the forebrain. The part of the brain that lets you look into the future and dream about what could be.
Dentistry is an awesome career, (It has treated me well for twenty five years this month.) but in order to maximize your opportunities you must look to the horizon. What does a career in dentistry hold for you? Unfortunately, if you are not looking into the future you may be missing out.
The future is about:
· What patients we are seeing today and what will they require
· Anticipating what instrument the dentist will need next
· How you answer the next phone call
· How you will handle the next patients
· Scheduling the next appointment and collecting patient portions
· Finishing the day and achieving your production goals
· Finding opportunities today to learn new things
But the future is also about five years, ten years, maybe even 100 years from now. That’s what’s on the horizon. How does it look for you? How does it feel? What type of office are you working in? What kind of people are you working with? How have you contributed to the office and its growth?
It is important to realize that what you do today all has an impact on what you’ll experience in your future. If you haven’t taken the time to think about the horizon how do you decide what actions to take today? Everything you do today is taking you toward your future in dentistry, either good or bad. What are you doing today to insure that your career in dentistry is continuing?
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This article was originally published by Tri-County Dental Society Bulletin
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