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Monday, May 7, 2012

ABC's of Consequences

Consequences can be positive or negative and have three things we consider before and during at risk behavior

Antecedent-Values, beliefs, social systems, expectations

Behavior – Will this behavior give me positive or negative consequences?
Consequences – are either positive or negative depending on the 3 keys
1. Will the consequence occur sooner or later?
2.  Are the consequences certain or uncertain?
3.  Is the consequence significant or insignificant?

Let’s say you are speeding, 80 in a 65 MPH zone because you are late to work.
What is the antecedent?  The alarm didn’t go off; I believe that being late for work would be a failure on my part.
What is the behavior?  I choose to speed. 
What is the positive consequence?  I will arrive at work on time.  Is this consequence happing sooner or later?  Sooner, because I can see the speedometer and know the rate of speed at which I’m traveling.  Is the consequence certain or uncertain?  It’s certain.  I know that by speeding I will be on time to work.  Is the consequence significant or insignificant?  It is significant because I value being on time.

Now, what would the negative consequence be?  I could get a ticket for speeding.
Will that happen sooner or later?  I believe later.  I do not see a policeman and if I thought I would get a ticket right now, I would not be speeding.
Is it certain or uncertain that I will get a ticket?  Uncertain as it has not yet happened.
Is the consequence of getting a ticket significant or insignificant?  It is insignificant because it is uncertain that it will even happen.

According to statistics, 330 out of 8 to 10 thousand at risk behaviors have consequences. 
Out of the 330, one will be a major event, 29 will be minor events and 300 will be near misses.  Think about traffic accidents.  300 near misses, 29 minor injuries, and 1 death.  These do not happen in succession or numerical order.  You may have thousands of at risk behaviors and never have the one major event.  Or, you may have one at risk behavior and suffer the one major event. 

Error provocative situations.  We put ourselves into situations that provoke error.  I drive a car, it is an EPS.  Not only do I have to worry about my driving skills, but the skills of thousands of others as well.  

Definition of ______________
Acceptable level of ?

How are the ABC's of behavior affecting your practice?


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