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Monday, June 4, 2012

Thinking Errors: Part 2 of 2

Thinking Errors by Salt Dental Practice Management Consultants
Part 2 of 3 

Here are more thinking errors that you or someone in your office may do:

11.  Externalizing Blame:
Since you are better than everyone else, anything that goes wrong is not your fault.  If you are unhappy, it is not your fault; things are just not going your way.

Example:  The crown would have fit just fine if the patient had been more cooperative when we tried to take the impression.
Payoff:  Your image of yourself remains untarnished.  You never have to put any effort into changing some aspect of yourself.
Consequence:  You keep repeating the same mistakes.

12.  Failure to Endure Adversity:
Life should not be hard for you.  You’ve been victimized enough.  The ups and downs of real life are for other people; you should be exempt.

Example:  Making temporaries is just too hard, so it’s better if someone else does it.
Payoff:  You do not have to do anything you don’t want to.
Consequence:  You stay stuck and do not grow.  People stop helping you because you don’t really want help.

13.  Fortune Telling:
You possess the ability to see into the future and what you see is always bad. You refuse to accept feedback to the contrary.

Example: There's no reason to try to change, the doctor always goes back to the old way after a few weeks anyway.
Payoff: You are smart to vegetate. You do not have to take any risks.
Consequence: You do nothing to help yourself or others.

14.  Grandiosity:
This is the belief that you are superior to other people. Since you are better than everyone else, you have the right to decide which rules of society apply to you and which ones you may disregard. You are right and should never be questioned by others.

Example: What I say goes. Don't question me.
Payoff: You do not have to doubt yourself. Because you are better than others, you get to do what you want. Consequence: You lack empathy for yourself and others. You make the same mistakes because you refuse to believe you are doing anything wrong.

15.  “I can’t”
The excuse that you use when you don't want to act or take responsibility for your refusal to act.

Example: "I can't ask those questions of patients. I don't do it well and so I look stupid."
Payoff: You don't have to do what you don't want to.
Consequence: You don't grow. You accomplish little in your life.
16.  Image:
This is trying to copy the behavior of others because you do not have a true sense of self

Example: Walking, talking, dressing or acting like some one else.
Consequence: You will not be able to discover who you really are. You become a follower, not a leader.

17.  Jumping to Conclusions:
You make a negative interpretation even though there is not definite evidence that convincingly supports your conclusion. Two ways it can be done:
1. Mind reading           2. Fortune Telling

Example: "I can tell from the way that she looks at me, she doesn't like me."
Payoff: You do not have to bother to gather information or consult others for their feedback. You are always right.
Consequence: You make false assumptions and poor decisions. People stop trying to help you because you don't listen.

18.  Labeling and Mislabeling:
This is an extreme form of over generalization. Instead of focusing on your mistaken behaviors, you label yourself a loser. Or you label others as jerks, etc.

Payoff: You get to experience victim stance and avoid having to solve problems.

19.  Lack of Empathy:
You lack the capacity to understand how your behaviors impact other people.

Example: You schedule another Dr.'s appointment during the work day, even though you know that the day will be busy and the other members of the team will have to put in a longer day and can't understand why they seem upset.
Payoff: You are entitled to be selfish.
Consequence: People abandon you after they find out how little you really care about them.

20.  Lack of Time Perspective - The Three "I's":
You have no realistic concept of time. You do not consider the past or the future when you act.
Instancy: "I have to do this right now."
Impatience: You become angry if your needs are not met instantly.
Impulsivity: If you do not get what you want right now, you are compelled to act without regard for the consequences of your actions.

Payoff: You do not have to delay gratification or tolerate frustration or anxiety.

If you would like more information, please contact us at info.saltdpm.com

This is an original lesson by Salt Dental Practice Management

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