We have been discussing and analyzing what type of mindset you are. Today, we are going to take this information and talk about how we can grow your mindset no matter whether you have a fixed or growth mindset.
The author of Mindsets, suggests five ways you can grow your mindset.
Number 1: Don't let yourself quit or give up. Life gets hard, especially when you are trying new things. It is easy to give into this and walk away. Or when you decided to take that new yoga class, did you quit right away? Did you tell yourself, your schedule got to busy or your family needed you. Don't fool yourself next time into believing your excuses. They are just that, excuses that are derailing you from achieving the things you want. Yes, it is hard at first, but give yourself time to make mistakes. Laugh when you do mess up. And chalk it up to you learning.
2: Seek constructive criticism. This does not mean any type of criticism. This means surround yourself with people who want to grow also. People who asks question and help you to move forward with your life. It's easy to be tempted to only higher people that say yes, but those people are not going to help you be better. They are not you g to give you want you need to grow your mindset. Remember that is your goal, to become better than who you are today.
When I was in college I had a freshman grammar class. The teacher handed us a list of requirements. I remember sitting in my chair, tears threatening to spill over. He was going to grade us on proper grammar. I knew I was going to fail, but then he said something that changed my life. He said, "it's okay, if you don't know this stuff now. Ill work with each and everyone of you to help you be successful." But now I was left with a choice. Swallow my pride and ask for help or fail.
I asked for help, I asked for constructive criticism. It was the hardest class I have ever taken but it was the one I learned the most in. I learned what I was willing to do to succeed and came out a better writer. Not perfect, but better. The growth mindset allows your life to change when you allow others to give you feedback.
For the other three ways to increase your mindset check back Wednesday.
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