Using a smile when you talk can help you deliver a message that demonstrates respect and, willingness for a positive outcome. A message that a friendly individual is there to help you will let your co-workers know you are trustworthy and respect them. A scowl on your face displays you don’t want to be talked to and they should move away from you.
helps you feel calm and actually makes you feel happier according to CBS news.
The happier you are, the happier the office becomes. The stress of the day can take over our lives,
so take time to give in and smile allowing the calm to reenter your body.

this exercise:
Have your front office call you on the
phone. Say hello without a smile. Then have them call back. This time when you
answer the phone have a smile on your face. Notice the difference in your tone
and the outcome of the conversation. Did you notice a difference? I bet the
person on the other line did. The tone in your voice will change when you are
Smiling is contagious. So, if you’re
smiling and your co-workers are smiling then patients will also be smiling.
Great teams take
effort. Take time to work on your practice regularly to build quality
communication and strengthen your results. For more information and to read
other articles, please visit us at
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