How do you inspire employees?
Eighteen hundred years ago, Patanjali –
the author of Yoga Sutra – had this to say about inspiration: “When you
are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all
your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your
consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a
new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents
become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far
than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”
Owning your own business is no easy task.
How can you make it better for you and your employees? It starts with inspiring them. Well how do you do that? Five ways to help inspire those around you.

Second: Give positive feedback and constructive criticism. When you appreciate your employees by giving compliments they will continue the behavior you want to see. Talking to an employee about something they need to change can be difficult, but if you do it with respect you will help inspire them to achieve all that they are working towards.
Third: Put people in position where their strengths shine. An employee who is not good at organization should not be kept in a position where that skill is crucial. People want to naturally succeed and when they are in a place where they feel they are not doing their best it only reinforces a defeatist attitude. Help employees recognize their strengths by placing them in positions where their strengths balance out the weaknesses of another.
Fourth: Train your employees, have others train and give individuals opportunities for trainings in the field when possible. People are never finished and it is important to give employees opportunities to continue that growth. They will feel more valuable and in turn work to improve your business.
Fifth: Respect yourself, your
employees and your patients. Do what you say you are going to do and
hold yourself to the same standards you hold your employees to. Do not
allow rumors, and negativity rule your
Inspiring employees allows your business to flourish.
For more ways to inspire employees see:
ways to motivate your employees
without raising their pay
By: Dave Worman, Dr. Motivation
without raising their pay
By: Dave Worman, Dr. Motivation
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