Last week we featured the beginning decisions to help support changes in your office. We discussed finding a team, setting aside time to talk to your team about the weekly chapter you read and making a commitment to complete each week's reading.
I hope that week 1 went well for your team and you were able to keep your commitments to your team.

This week we will focus on Chapter 3 of Monday Morning Choices Week 2.
This week we will be focusing on making our commitments a passion in order to succeed. This chapter focuses on the idea that sometimes you map out the plan, chart the course and then lack follow through.
Monday Morning Choices, Author David Cottrell says, "Commitment isn't as simple as being able to check off what we've accomplished toward our goal. It's a choice, an attitude."

However, when we write down our goals and then monitor ourselves towards that goal we begin to accomplish the goal we set out for ourselves.
Second item we need to focus on this week is diving in with passion. It isn't enough to just believe that you can accomplish the goal, however, you need to be able to and be ready to make sacrifices in order to succeed at your goal. See, hear and breath your goal and your mission and don't hesitate to do what you need to in order to accomplish this goal.
Attributes from David Cottrell of People who have passionate commitment:
1. They do what they say they are going to do.
2. They vividly see their success.
3. Put their words into goals and accomplish those goals.
4. You can believe in what they say.
5. They commit, they invest.
6. Learn from mistakes and continue to move forward.
7. Make success a top priority.
8. Failure is seen as a success.
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