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Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Mornings

Part 1 of 2

Do you dread going to work on Monday's? Do hit the snooze bar a few extra minutes while you lay their begrudging your alarm clock because the ring woke you up from a perfect nights sleep and a fantastic dream?  Or are your Monday's filled with bad decisions that set your week going down the drain? 

Well the book Monday Morning Choices by David Cottrell has some great suggestions on twelve weeks of Monday Morning Choices that can help change your life and the success of your business.

Author David Cottrell suggests doing a few things before you delve into the book.  

First: Find a team of people
        A wise friend once told me that you are who you hang out with. Pick the top five people you want on your life changing journey.

Second: "Make sure everyone has a copy of the book."
       Team huddles is a team gathering time. Set aside uninterrupted time with your five to discuss the suggested Monday change. This is a good time to talk about how your going to the decision that leads to unsuccessful decisions.

Third: "Make a commitment."
         Don't let your team or yourself down. Make a commitment that you are going to do the work it takes to change.  An activity can become a habit after 120 days but it will not be overnight. 

Fourth: "Change your Mondays and Change your life."
        Getting up on Mondays does not have to be you drudging through the mud to earn your paycheck. You can wake up, enjoy your day and enjoy the success your life has to offer. 

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